- WACDL donates a copy of our William O. Douglas bust to Yakima Museum
- WACDL moves to its own office
- State v. Boland (privacy of garbage); WACDL amicus authors: Kate Pflaumer, Robert Whaley, Richard Hansen
- State v. Leach (application of felony murder doctrine arson-related death); WACDL amicus author: Nancy Talner
- WACDL sponsors federal habeas CLE program, which draws attendance from several states.
- City of Auburn v. Brooke (essential elements rule applies to all charging documents); WACDL amicus author: Nancy Talner
- WACDL sponsors first "Lobby Day" in Olympia for board members and committee chairs
- Second WACDL staff person (1/2 time) hired
- Past President Kate Pflaumer resigns from WACDL to become US Attorney.
- WACDL begins making donations to Matthew House
- In the aftermath of the Rodney King verdict, WACDL presents a luncheon discussion on the topic of race and ethics for criminal defense lawyers.
- Past President Bob Whaley leaves WACDL to become a superior court judge (and, in 1995, a federal judge).
- Our bill to expand the jury pool passes.
- WACDL Executive Director Teresa Mathis organizes coalition to oppose Three Strikes initiative.
- Federal Bar Committee hosts first brown bag lunch CLE
- Death Penalty Committee organizes series of short programs on capital litigation
- WACDL's Three Strikes Task Force prepares master briefs and other background for members
- Sherry Appleton becomes WACDL lobbyist
- We invite the ATF to do a gun "show and tell" at our spring CLE program
- Second WACDL staff person becomes full time
- Directory of WACDL's brief bank made available on floppy disc (briefs themselves still on paper)
- WACDL legislative priority bill creating Office of Public Defense passes
- U.S. District Court Judge William L. Dwyer speaks on criminal defense lawyers and American liberty
- Chicago Bulls fan Marianne Jackson is Chelan keynote speaker; the Chicago Bulls beat the Seattle Supersonics in the NBA finals
- We kill a bill to eliminate unanimous juries
- WACDL organizes response to government use of defense investigator as a paid informant
- WACDL files bar complaint against prosecutor in response to use of prosecutor's approval of law enforcement officer posing as defense lawyer to get information from suspect.
- New member services: expert witness list, email case law updates, and scholarship program
- WACDL agrees to intervene in any case where a defendant is not fighting imposition of death penalty
- New membership database created
- WACDL Holiday Party held during WTO week.