Contact Us
Office Hours:
Monday - Friday, 9:00 AM - 4:30 PM PST
Phone: (206) 623-1302
Member Services Email: memberservices@wacdl.org
Email for General Questions: info@wacdl.org
Mailing Address:
450 Alaskan Way S, Suite 205, Seattle, WA 98104
What We Do
The mission of the Washington Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers is to foster the integrity, independence and expertise of criminal defense lawyers; to support the criminal defense community through education and the exchange of information; to promote the fair and just administration of criminal justice; and to ensure due process and defend the rights secured by law for all persons accused of crime.
With the generous support of our members and contributors, we:
- Provide comprehensive, evidence-based continuing legal education opportunities for practicing criminal defense attorneys.
- Foster connections among attorneys through a network of seasoned legal professionals dedicated to achieving fair outcomes in every case.
- Prepare amicus briefs for key cases heard by the Washington State Supreme Court.
- Protect the due process rights of the accused and advocate for crucial criminal legal reform in Olympia
- Offer resources for practicing defense attorneys, including multiple listservs, an expert database, a Brady list, and legal document library.
- Provide opportunities for members to acquire mentorship from seasoned criminal defense attorneys practicing throughout WA State.
- Elevate the voice of the defense bar by appointing members to serve on task forces, commissions, and advisory councils.
Care about our mission and eager to support our work? Consider donating today.
-Bryan Stevenson, Director of the Equal Justice Initiative