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In response to Judge Fearing’s dissenting opinion in State v. Vaile, the Spokane County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office (SCPAO) asked Judge George Fearing from the Division III Court of Appeals to recuse himself from all criminal cases involving the Spokane County Prosecutor's Office and the Spokane County Sheriff's Office. On September 15th, WACDL filed a response to SCPAO’s request:
The United States Supreme Court has recognized that “racial bias” is a “familiar and recurring evil that, if left unaddressed, would risk systemic injury to the administration of justice." It is WACDL’s firm belief that silence in the face of racial injustice is a far greater threat than the appearance of impropriety alleged by the Spokane County Prosecutor’s office ... Judge Fearing’s opinion serves as an important contribution to the ongoing discourse on racial justice and the interpretation and application of the law within our legal system. The State’s blanket request for recusal should be rejected.